Nothing like it

There is nothing like standing on HILL16 during a Dublin GAA match. The atmosphere, the pride and the sheer exhilaration has yet to be matched. Or well its my opinion that it cannot be matched. I’ve done a lot of crazy things in my life and while they have been exciting and sometimes life changing but yet the atmosphere has yet to match that which can be found on Hill16!


I thought I was a strong independent woman…. I was WRONG

So if anyone has looked at previous posts, I dated a dick a downright dick and recently I had been doing well, I am over him. I now find him revolting and can’t be in close proximity without feeling sick.

So anyway I decided to branch out into the world of men again and I entered with with renewed vigour and lust… yes lust!

However after 2 weeks of texting this guy I met, I have realised I am not as independent and strong as I thought I was, after one day of silence from him I have been wondering why, did I do something wrong or if I offended him in some shape or form… So I text him and asked him out for a drink and even though he said yes to it next weekend, I am ashamed I have gotten like this and I am moving back on my quest to be an Independent Woman.

Confusion Central

My separate travel blog documenting my random adventures!

Life's Wanderlust

I’m in the process of booking the longest holidays I’ve been on; I know it will be the most exciting trip I’ve been on in a long time. BUT it is proving to be the hardest and most complex thing I’ve done in a long time. Booking hotels in a foreign continent trying to decipher reviews on Trip Advisor,, Trivago and many many more websites but its been impossible to know whether or not its people just bitching because they are annoying and ungrateful or are these reviews true and I should avoid the place!


As I’ve mentioned in an earlier post I will be visiting Boston MA, Washington DC and New York City. Washington was a relatively easy pick as there was a hotel with nothing but perfect reviews so that was that one sorted. Now Boston and New York have been a different story.  Boston we…

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America here I come!!!!

I did it, I have finally booked a trip off the continent of Europe! Last night I said goodbye to 717€ and booked my flights! 

For 3 weeks in August I shall be touring the USA for the first time which I find funny as I have an American History Masters and I’ve never set foot in the States! 

I have now spent the last two hours downloading every travel book I can find while texting my travel buddy warning her when we get to Boston and Washington DC I am going to completely nerd out on her and she’s going to hate me.

This trip has been a long time coming I’ve been in a rut in my current job which I will finally be leaving once I head to America as I am hoping to be inspired and find a better job once I come back or even find my calling in America. I have found in the few hours its been since I booked these flights last night I am motivated to further my life that sitting at home and going to a job I hate is not for me I want to do something I have a passion for and feel a sense of excitement whenever I talk about it. 

So all thats really left to say is AMERICA here I come!!!! 😀

Lazy book days

I love lazy days! Especially those spent out in the garden getting lost in the world of books and today I haven’t see myself in some Jennifer Echols best pieces! They are easy to read romantic comedy’s and dramas for teens and adults and they are the perfect pieces to accompany a lazy day outside with good food and coffee. These books grab you from the get go and have you hook, line and sinker until the last word. Nothing will be done once you are captivated by the story Echols is telling.
Today I found myself engrossed in Forget You and Playing Dirty . I can safely say I did nothing today and I am perfectly content with the day I have spent drinking coffee, eating good food and lost in these two romantic stories!



Summer Goals!

Summer is coming ❤

Life's Wanderlust

The last few days its been sunny, which is a rare occurrence! But this sun has reminded me of summer and in reminding me of summer it has motivated me to plan my summer adventure a bit more! My main goal this summer is to make it to America. It might seem trivial to some but I’ve been everywhere around Europe but I’ve never made it stateside and I even have an American History Masters degree so with a bit of luck and money I’ll be hitting Boston, Washington and New York… To say I’m excited is an understatement, I love travel, I even have a few trips planned before this one but its my stateside adventure that I am all excited for as it will be somewhere completely different and unknown and those are the adventures that I live for!

But before any of that can happen I have…

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Summer is that you?

Sun it’s a concept most Irish people aren’t familiar with. It’s a rare occurrence that we get sun so the fact that today it has been splitting the sky is rare very rare! And in true Irish form we are milking it to the Max trips to the beach, lake and ice cream have been littering my Facebook feed all day long.. I will admit I am one of the culprits posting my own ice cream and beach photos up as well!
Sun also makes everything so much happier and easier! Life’s problems seem less serious and manageable 😃
But the main thing is it has made me so so happy and excited for the summer because and the sun but mostly because I’m finally heading stateside 😀😀



Being sick Sucks!

For the last week I’ve been sick with Strep Throat and now it seems to have moved into my chest so I’m now sick with a chest infection, everyone in work pretty much thinks I’m a druggy thanks to all the cough syrup, painkillers and throat lozenges I’ve been taking during the day. 

I half blame the house party I was at last week in which there was a major blast from the past moment when a bunch of lads I haven’t seen in about 8 years turned up. Literally the next day I felt like I was coming down with something and the only time I came into contact with other people to have caught something was that night and to make it worse I accidentally drank from the wrong glass. The owner of said glass gives me the shivers as he’s probably the sleaziest guys I’ve come across in a long time! I wouldn’t put it past him to have had/have a STD at some point in his life! To make matters worse I had a crush oh him when I was in school, which makes me fearful of my choice in men which is quite clear from past mistakes needs some serious improvement!!!

Anyway it makes me value when I am in full health and has given me the kick to start eating healthy again!

Falling in love with London

I’ve fallen in love with London all over again. For a while I haven’t considered it as anything amazing as I’ve been there a few times, my moms from London and I don’t know how but it went down my list of places I loved!

Yet that’s all changed thanks to the film Notting Hill. Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts have helped to rekindle my love for the city, so much so I’m looking into flights for a quick trip over for a few days to visit.

A whirlwind trip to Florence

I started another blog about travel after a friend recommended I do so.. its slightly more formal than this one.
But anyway heres a post about my trip to Florence, it was great as it allowed me to escape a rut I found myself in, escape my thoughts and I found a new lease on life! 🙂

Life's Wanderlust

The last few days have been a whirlwind adventure. I arrived in Ancona, Italy to visit my brother who is studying in a near by town and by 9am Saturday morning I was on a train to Florence.

My brother has been studying for the past 5 months in Macerata, Italy, which is a small picturesque town nestled in the mountains of the Marche Provence. I had previously visited with the parents in Italy and we had seen a lot of what the area had to offer, so this time I decided to turn up and demand we go travelling a but! He seemed to welcome the chance to get out of the small town for a bit.

So we set off on Saturday morning at 7.30 to find out our train had been delayed and would not be leaving till 9ish, the joys of rural trains…. After waiting about…

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