Confusion Central

My separate travel blog documenting my random adventures!

Life's Wanderlust

I’m in the process of booking the longest holidays I’ve been on; I know it will be the most exciting trip I’ve been on in a long time. BUT it is proving to be the hardest and most complex thing I’ve done in a long time. Booking hotels in a foreign continent trying to decipher reviews on Trip Advisor,, Trivago and many many more websites but its been impossible to know whether or not its people just bitching because they are annoying and ungrateful or are these reviews true and I should avoid the place!


As I’ve mentioned in an earlier post I will be visiting Boston MA, Washington DC and New York City. Washington was a relatively easy pick as there was a hotel with nothing but perfect reviews so that was that one sorted. Now Boston and New York have been a different story.  Boston we…

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