Hoe’s before Bro’s

I’ve recently experienced a classic case of putting girlfriends before boys.

A good friend of mine moved to Australia last night and wanted to have a last dinner thing, I completely blanked on it thinking it was next week. In the meantime I had half made plans to meet up with this guy I had met for drinks, nothing concrete just an idea.

On the day of the dinner/drinks I got a text from a friend reminding me to bring desert to the dinner, I realised my mistake and obviously wanted to see my friend who was moving as I didn’t know when I would see her again. I texted the guy in question at least 7 hours before we were meant to meet up apologising for the mistake and I attempted to reschedule for another night later in the week. To say he was rude and ignorant is an understatement. He blamed me for not being up to date on whats going on in my life and to plan things better. I understood that he might be a bit upset about me postponing but its one of my close friends, I know her for years whereas I know him for about two seconds she clearly comes before him. To add to that he then revealed that he likes going out constantly like a few times a week and doesn’t like the whole texting back and forth to get to know someone! i felt like screaming its FUCKING 2014 I don’t have time to be seeing you 3 and 4 times a week I have work, I have friends, I have a life!!!


We have now rescheduled but to be honest I’m not sure if I like him anymore due to his horrible attitude. Already he seems to be doing things to suit him only not making it equal and giving out that certain things or times don’t suit him despite me making several suggestions. 


I have never experienced a case like this, usually in this period the guy is beyond understanding and wanting to make sure your happy and you don’t back out but I’m seriously unsure and unhappy with this guy now because I have a fairly hectic life my friends know that and have always been understanding but if this guy is a stickler for setting things in stone I’m not sure how well this is going to go…..