18 years later

Today I finished my MA Dissertation. It’s been a year in the making, there have been countless hours stressing, screaming and crying over this thing…. BUT finally its printed ready to go the binders tomorrow and then submitted on Thursday.

After a week of sleepless nights, I’m going to take a night or two of rest and then summer finally begins. Blur are playing and then I’m off out with the college friends 😀 I’m taking a month off and then its off to plan my life :O which is going to be interesting since I’ve no idea what I want to do, sometimes I think I’d like to travel but who really knows.

So after 18ish years in the educational system which has meant to be preparing me for life and the working world. I am none the wiser really as to what I’m going to do. Well done to the educational system. Despite the confusion I’m happy its over and excited for the adventure that will come from not having any real plans… 


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